About Us

Our Story

HandiData was started by Henrik and Colleen in 1998 at Nepean Hospital with the implementation of the initial version of the Occurrence Application. There was no initial intention to grow, but the application was very well received and so were future versions. Fast forward to 2020 and HandiData has multiple applications, and the Occurrence Application is used by security officers in over 20 hospitals.

At this stage, Mathew Luff joined HandiData bringing a careers worth of application development experience. Soon it became clear that it was time for HandiData to enter the next phase of its existence. In January 2023 Mathew took the helm of HandiData and lead it from the partnership it had been, into the business it is today. Focusing on consolidating and improving the HandiData Application suite, while retaining the diligent service our customers have come to respect.

Our values

Our applications are used in medical and security industries where our clients are trying to improve the quality and safety of other people’s lives. At HandiData we want to assist that invaluable work by providing a simplified data entry process and insightful reporting.